Satellite Internet

Preston Telephone Company is partners with Viasat to offer high-speed Internet services via satellite to customers in eastern Iowa, western Illinois and southwest Wisconsin. Viasat is a revolutionary new technology that delivers affordable broadband to customers regardless of where they live.

New Viasat Customer Application

Packages, Speeds and Data Allowances

 Choice 25-60
Choice 50-100
Downstream Speed 25Mbps50Mbps100Mbps
Upstream Speed3Mbps3Mbps 3Mbps
Monthly Data AllowanceUnlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Data PrioritizationMay be prioritized
after other
customers after 60GB
May be prioritized
after other
customers after 100GB
Unlimited Data
Video StreamingOptimized at 720POptimized at 720POptimized at 720P

*Packages offering speeds 75Mbps or more will require a 1GB Capable Router $225

*Some larger homes may require a Mesh Unit to reach low signal areas $175

Buy More Data1GB5GB7GB10GB

Service Plan Lookup

Find Plans Offered Where You Live & Work. ​Use the form to find the Viasat plans available in your area.